I am wondering which IEM are people using with the Quad Cortex. What are your favorites?
Ultimate Ears are the best I’ve used. I love them.
On this same topic, I’m wondering how people route their in ears, if they control that through the QC or use a separate headphone monitor.
People are saying great things about Ultimate Ears, indeed. I heard rumors that the company that manufactures the components for UE is also licensed to make IEM using schematics from the previous iteration of UE monitors and that they are going for a cheap price. It would be interesting to figure out if that is true.
In my band (and almost every other band I know in person that uses modelling and IEM) we have a digital rack Mixer (Behringer x32) and some rack line splitters. We route all our outputs to the splitter, from there one output goes to the x32 and one to a XLR multicore for FOH (for each input). The X32 is set to have a mix bus for every band member and the bus outputs feed a wireless IEM system for each of us. The X32 is also connected to a small wifi accespoint / router that allows to control your individual mix with a smartphone app (setting the level of the individual instruments, backing tracks, mics, etc to your personal taste without affecting the IEM mixes of your band mates). If using wireless IEM transmitters setting the overall volume is done by simply turning the volume knob on your pocket receiver.
Search on YouTube for “IEM rack” there are a lot of videos that explain this kind of setup.
In my opinion IEMs for live use only make sense if the whole band (+ backing tracks) is routed to your ears.
@santinelliv I don’t know anything about the rumors you’ve heard. But I would be hesitant to trust any off brand or cost cutting things when it comes to something I’m going to put in my ear right next to my eardrum. I make my living from music and my ears are the only ones I’m going to get. So I don’t take chances with them.
I use a set of 64 Audio U4 IEMs that I’ve had for close to 10 years now. Every gig.