What kind of pedalboard are you guys using?

Here is mine. Pedaltrain metro16 has perfect fit for my cortex and A3stompbox expression pedal :grin:
I want to see yours~


No pedalboard, but optionally an HX Effect (or HX Stomp) to provide some missing or better effects and more buttons. Not sure if I’m going to bother with that on gigs though.

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the Guitto kicks ass on amazon. no velcro

Aluminum, about 1/8" thick, add feet and handles…I think I have about $30 in it!



Looks very cool~~ :slight_smile:
Did you make it by yourself?

wow~ great~ how do you power your cortex? looks very complicated

Mission 529 power supply.


wow~ It’s too professional for me to dare. :grin:

Templeboards Solo18 with its Hi5 power supply module and 4 way jack out module. Only need to connect IEC and speaker cable and I’m good to go!


Yep. Pretty basic, and thus easy to build. Mission pedal is bolted to the board, QC and Freqout are velcroed. 3/8" rubber feet. Fits in an SKB-SC2111 soft case. I have a small rack that holds IEM, 4ch mixer, power supplies and wire. Really small, manageable rig that’s quick to set up and pack up.


Neat and sweet~~

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Just put mine on a board in prep for some shows. I just need to add the temple XLR module and I’ll have pretty much everything ready for plug and play off the QC.


Nice~ hope you have great shows with your new board

Thats my board so far. Still missing power & pedalboard amp


Almost identical to @caracalla. Templeboard DUO 24 + mods and a couple of expression pedals.


@ccRFMalice is that hi5 powering the QC?

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Hi, this I like to do as well. How you connect both units? You use the Helix fx as “midi controller” too?

While its possible to use HX Effects as a MIDI controller for QC, the current QC MIDI implementation doesn’t make that particularly useful. You can’t do much with MIDI that you can’t do with the QC footswitches. A better option is to use HX Effects for front of the QC mono effects: guitar > HX Effects > QC. Then you get another DSP processor, 6 more footswitches and all the nice Helix effects with a very simple setup.

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I am buying a Soulman s44 with a ciox 7 and some in and output options to connect the cortex. there is also space for an exp pedal and a tuner. will post picture as it arrives.

also we hope to solve the grounding/noise issue with the CIOX. will report back as well.