Tom Morello - Expression Pedal Causes Sound to Cut Out

Been using the Archetype Tom Morello and have midi-mapped an expression pedal from my MC8 to the plugin. When in Stand Alone, the audio constantly cuts out when using the Wham-01 or the Wah. I use the same setup in the Petrucci plugin with the Wah pedal and everything sounds fine. This seems specific to the Morello plugin. Using a MacBook Pro 2023. Anyone else having issues with midi-expression pedals in this plugin?

Yes, I ran into a similar issue and went round and round with support but there was ultimately no solution. Here was my issue:

In standalone only (plugin works fine)

  • moving the wah rapidly spikes the CPU especially using a MIDI controller
  • CPU spikes cause the application to intermittently freeze which cuts the sound out

No other plugin has this issue.

Well, it’s good to know I’m not the only one. I sent them detailed videos of the problem but support ended up ghosting me and stopped returning my emails when I asked for updates. My issue was both stand alone and inside any DAW.