Hi everyone,
the Cor OS 3.1 Update took 20 minutes and worked like a charm.
Please don’t forget to update Cortex Control to version 1.2.0.
I hope the update process will be flawless for all users.
Hi everyone,
the Cor OS 3.1 Update took 20 minutes and worked like a charm.
Please don’t forget to update Cortex Control to version 1.2.0.
I hope the update process will be flawless for all users.
Hurrah! Mine is stuck on v3.0.0 and says I’m all up to date. The window opened for me an hour and a half ago. Slightly worried as I’m now 2 versions behind
My QC successfully updated to CorOS 3.1, the process was pretty much flawless (note that I still use the original power supply).
Have you been on 3.0.0, when looking for the new update?
Where are you located?
Maybe the update isn’t available in your region, right now and you have to wait, because the time of the availability of the update is different for different parts of the world.
I’m in the UK. I’m currently on 3.0.0. If I go to “Check for Updates” it says “Up to date - Ypur Quad Cortex is running the most recent version of CorOS, no updates are available” and a button that says “Got it”
Same here, in the uk but no update available
what i worked out by the times listed it should be available in uk at 1pm
I calculate Europe 11am EET to be 9am GMT
Also, I would imagine that even though the 3.1.0 update isn’t available, an update to 3.0.1 would be available from 3.0.0
I’ve pinged an email to support so as not to clog this thread
EET time is 2 hours ahead of uk so you add 2 hours. it does say that all times are EET
Surely you take 2 off, if they’re ahead its 9 in the uk when it’s 11 EET. They are 2 hours ahead
I updated mine at 10:30am in Ireland here…I like the updated amps I think they are better than b4…and the new tremolo is nice
mines updating now in uk
Mine still won’t. Cortex control has which i now can’t use because the QC can’t update abd sync. Seems odd that some can and some cannot. Tried rebooting but no joy… frustrating
I’m in the UK and the update still isn’t appearing for me either!
So, what’s new?
I can’t find info.
Cortex Control back on Mac Studio M1!
I’m winding yous up. I’m bored at work and knew it wouldn’t be on time. I was going to email support but I knew I’d get a response like SOON
update: it’s finally updating! Huzzah!
2 new shift devices and compatibility with SLO X plugin.
I can’t see any other new things. I just took a look on it.
Neurals website has update info. Also check their YouTube page to see videos showing the new devices.