Quad cortex Update problems

Hi there !

So i just got my qc a few days ago , it comes with corOS 3.0.0, but i wanted to do the update to 3.1 and it seems impossible ,

There is no update showing in my qc , i tried everything dsp customer service told me so far but it does not show up .

Did this happen to someone else?

Sl basically i got a qc and it seems like its stuck to version 3.0.0 .

Sugestions? I have already used the mobile hit spot , i have put it back to factory settings and nothing seems to help.

Disengage from your account, reboot and try updating without connecting to your account. Once updated, sign back in and don’t forget to update Cortex Control as well!

Thanks i just tried that but nothing it is not possible it seems that it does not find updates ! Its so strange. I attach the screen that shows on the device !

It has been solved by neural dsp customer service ! If someone experiences this ! They have to contact them and by the serial number they can fix the issue !

Thanks for the assistance :slight_smile:

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