Stereo IR loader is out of phase at default setting

The 1 channel has its phase flipped.

Load the same IR on both sides, watch your phase meter…or dial it mono…then it 100% cancels out.

Shouldn’t happen on a unit like this.
Reverb also has phase issues….dial that to mono and hear what happens.

Alternativly its the usb 5/6 audio that’s out of phase…

can you explain fully how you’re getting these results?
I’m trying to duplicate, and on the Dual Stereo IR loader I’m not finding this to be the case. How are you ‘dialing it to mono?’ The only way I can get it to phase cancel is to manual engage the polarity switch.

Are you talking about the Room Reverb in the IR? How are you dialing that to mono?

Are you monitoring this in a DAW thru the USB 5/6 output? I’m not able to duplicate any of these symptoms

I toggled the output from USB to analog, then back to USB…then the issue was gone. (USB 3/4 btw, I faulty put 5/6 in my post)
Very strange…im sure of what I observed…clear that it canceled at default settings, and on phase metering. I also had weird phenomena that wetlevels where lower on the path with cabsim…could also have been phase related.

Anyway…it mysteriously resolved

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I just had this exact problem. Wet effects after a Dual (ST) IR loader were very weak and thin, probably out of phase, and after some tweaking suddenly the dry signal was out of phase as well. Flipping phase twice on one IR fixed the problem.

It happened something like this:
Replaced the cab block in factory preset 1A (Brit 2203) with a Dual IR ST with two OwnHammer IR’s that are in phase. Sounded fine centered, I then hard panned them, all good. Moved the Doubler block in between the amp and IR loader and tweaked with that, then replaced it with Plugin Doubler. A little later I noticed that wet effects after the IR block were very quiet and thin. Added back a cab block, and wet effects seemed fine with the cab but still weak with IRs when switching between them. I then tweaked something in the IR block (maybe panning or high pass or both) and suddenly the dry signal was out of phase. Inverting phase on one IR did nothing, but switching it back to non-inverted then made the problem disappear. Wet effects were back to normal too.

The quiet wet effects after Dual stereo IR had happened to me once before, but I didn’t realize it was a phase issue then.

Both times I was also playing around with the Doubler, not sure if it had anything to do with it. But the wet phase issue was present with the Doubler on or off.

Seems to be some sort of phase bug goin on with the stereo IR block or handling of stereo signal.

Also, I wish Neural DSP made some documentation on how different blocks handle a stereo signal. Or add visual cues in the QC signal path view. Now we have to through a process of trial and error to see which blocks sum to mono and which preserve stereo. And for some plugins, for example Circular Delay, it’s really difficult to tell what actually happens (dry seems to remain stereo but how are the wet repeats made?).

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