I’m really lost here. I would appreciate your help.
I use the standalone version of Plini.
Here’s what I experience whenever the standalone Plini is open:
- When playing the guitar, I hear static noises at whatever buffer size I set for my audio interface.
- Even if Plini is open and I don’t play, I hear these static noises when listening to youtube videos or playing audio on my computer.
- When I close Plini, everything is back to normal with regards to any noises.
- I have other guitar amp simulators and I don’t have these issues with them.
I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling but it didn’t change anything.
My computer:
Windows 10, 64 bits, RAM 16 GB, CPU i7 8700, SSD hard drive.
At what buffer size do you think I should be able to play without hearing these static clicks?
How do I get rid of them?
Thank you.