Setting the output volume of each rig - how? where?

I have a question, maybe a funny one: Where and how do I set the main master volume of each rig. I have a problem that some of my solo sounds already show CLIP. I thought that each rig should be individually set to a volume that suits me, so that it doesn’t clip (red) at the output. When I add in the rig to OUTPUT, it already goes to red. I just want to raise or lower the overall level of the rig so that I have the necessary volume ratios.

Nastavenie výstupnej hlasitosti každého rigu -ako? kde?

Mám otázku, možno smiešnu: Kde a ako si nastavím hlavné master volume každého rigu. Mám problé že niektoré moje solové zvuky už ukazujú CLIP. Myslel som že každý rig by sa mal dať individuálne nastaviť na hlasitosť, ktorá mi vyhovuje, tak aby to ale neclipovalo (červená) na výstupe. Keď pridávam v rigu na OUTPUT už to ide do červeného. Chcem len celkovú úroveň rigu zdvihnúť alebo potlačiť tak, aby som mal potrebné hlasitostné pomery.

lots of advice in this thread:

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I meant setting the volume ratios between individual Rigs. I have such a problem that the rigs that I use for solos (not clean sounds but distorted) and especially in connection with the MiniVoicer are weaker in volume and when I add out on the AMP, they wake up the output. But it’s still weak, and it’s already clipping into the red.

Ja som mal na mysli nastavenie hlasitostných pomerov medzi jednotlivými Rigmi. Mám taký problém, že rigy ktoré používam na sóla (nie čisté zvuky ale skreslené) a hlavne v spojení s MiniVoicerom sú hlasitostne slabšie a keď pridám out na AMPe, tak mi prebudzujú výstup. Ale je to stále slabo, pritom už klipuje do červenej.

Thanks bro this link was very useful.

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If I understand your question correctly…you can’t make the output of any preset any louder if it’s already hitting the red, in fact, it should be brought down until it stays out of the red. All you can do is turn down the other presets to make it sound louder by comparison. Keep in mind that overdriven presets will sound louder because they are more compressed and have more harmonic content. There is a difference between “loudness” and “perceived loudness”.