Scene Assign for Wah and Whammy

I can’t seem to assign a wah to scene A and whammy to scene B if using my expression pedal. What am I doing wrong? There is no option to “assign scene” if they are assigned to an expression pedal.

Via Cortex Control or on the QC?

There is an option to assign these blocks to a scene when using an expression pedal but it requires scene-enabling the active bypass switch in both blocks.

  1. Assign your expression pedal to both the wah and the whammy.

  2. Scene-enable the wah and the whammy blocks by pressing and holding the active/bypass button until the ‘quad-square’ appears, on both blocks.

  3. Save the wah block active & whammy block bypassed in Scene A. Do the reverse in Scene B.

  4. Save the preset.


You can’t assign XPs to individual fx per scene. Once you assign it, it’s assigned to that block for every scene. You have to figure out a bypass configuration that works for you. If you’re used to auto-activating the wah by pedal position this gets tricky.
You’ll want to Bypass the fx by scene assignment, not XP assignment. Or, if you have an XP with a toe-switch you can assign bypasses to that.

There are some template presets on the cloud for wah/vol and wah/whammy inverted setups.

I was doing it from cortex control

Not following you. When I hold the button nothing happens. But I was able to get one block to mute but it does it for all scenes. I can’t find how to scene-enable the blocks

Right-click the setting parameter to enable scene assignment.
I’m working on a template for you on the wah/whammy toggling.
As mentioned on Discord tho- it can only toggle the bypass by the switch on your pedal OR by Scene, you can’t assign the bypass to BOTH.
Which would you prefer?

Trying to do it by scene

see if this is what you’re looking for; Scene A= wah; Scene B= Wham

It’s just the fx, you can build your preset around it.

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I see what you did. I get it now. Thanks for doing that.

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Hope it helps. It gets REALLY tricky, esp w/ wah and whammy. Most people want the wah to activate as soon as the pedal moves, but you can’t bypass it that way if you want to toggle it on and off per scene. You can’t use the XP’s to bypass if you want Scene toggling of inverted bypass. Using the switch to bypass is another option, but you have to go all the way to the toe-position, which isn’t optimal for wah or wham!

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I found a nice workaround. Probably there is a better way. I just have the QC since yesterday :-). You just use Wah and Whammy in parallel paths. Assign the expression pedal to both and assign expression pedal to bypass state (to engage pedals while moving the pedal). Now if you use the pedal you will hear the wah and whammy together. Now go to the settings of the splitter block (s) in front of wah/whammy and set it to stereo->split. In addition place e.g. a gain block from the utilities in front of the splitter. Assign the panning of the gain block to scenes. Now you can control which of both (wah/whammy) you hear by using the panning (which you can control individually for each scene). Have fun :slight_smile:.