Apologies - I’m new and have searched high and low for the answer I’m after: I’m using 2.2.0. with one single SP-1 pedal connected into EXP 1 and EXP .
I have assigned the exp pedal as reverb+delay volume. I need it to work as wah for another preset in the same scene. I then need it to be whammy for another preset, same scene. My problem is the assignments overlap and I can’t find info on how to stop this. Ex: When I use the wah, the reverb+delay volume are also affected. Sorry if this is a worn out question but the manual and online search are lacking this info for me. Thanks in advance.
One of the easier ways to deal with this is to use scenes and turn on only the block(s) you want to control with the EXP in a particular scene. Assign, for example, the Wah, delay, and reverb blocks to the same footswitch. Make sure the Wah bypass state is reversed from the Reverb+Delay bypass states when you save the preset.
Once the XP is assigned to a block in a preset, it stays assigned across all scenes. One way to manage that is to assign the toe-switch to the bypass functions of the blocks you want to turn on and off. Heel-toe auto activation will conflict with this and you’ll always have your wah turning on regardless of what else is assigned. Best bet is to bypass the wah (toggle it on and off) with the toe-switch = XP2.
Once you’re controlling more than 2 blocks in the same scene it gets dicey, because you can only have 2 invert states: on or off. More than 2 blocks, you’ll definitely have to have multiple pedals active simultaneously.
eh, just a different way of doing it. Like everything on the QC, there’s more than one way to string a cat! Thanks though.
I’ve got a pre-configured wah vs volume preset template on the cloud if anyone’s interested, and one that toggles between wah and whammy (you can substitute any fx) that I haven’t uploaded yet.
From what I hear though, there’s a bug affecting XP-assigned vol and wah blocks presently, will need to be hotfixed with the next update