I’m not sure about how much of a lift this would actually be - but it would be extraordinarily helpful to be able to use capture for plugins and the like without needing a whole additional interface and complex wiring/routing setup. I’m sure it would improve the capture accuracy, as well as being much more convenient and faster to be able to capture directly over USB.
Maybe there’s a reason that the capture out is hardwired as is - but if this is at all possible, it would be a fantastic feature.
bumping - there are so many awesome plugins to capture besides just NDSP stuff. This would really improve the process a lot in terms of IO and gain staging, and ease of use.
Bump again. This would be great for not just capturing amp sims but capturing the entire signal chain of mixed guitars. No Analog/Digital conversion = much more preciese captures!
You could be recording your album and ask the engineer to quickly let you run a capture of your signal chain and now youve got that exact sound for your live shows.
YES! I’ve already tried to capture my sound from the DAW but it didnt work… was awful. lowend sounded like a square signal. I think bypassing the audio interface and capturing directly with USB might do the trick