Question about software capturing

Im new to this capturing thing. I am a huge Satriani fan, and wonder if I by the Tone X Joe Satriani amp valut. Can I Capture the software amps to QC and use the amps there? Will it be as good as the software? In advanced thanks.

Hi yes you can definitely do that… And from my experience, I will say it will be very close in sound… But just make sure all levels are good not to loud to low… If you use different amp settings capture those settings aswell you will have to do 3/4 captures if you want them…

Just make sure compressers/gates/delay/verbs and modulation are switched of… You can also capture the drive going into the amp you mite like the results… Also you can do the drive the amp the cab seperate if you think you’d prefer that

Thank you @DDguitars . Great response, I appreciate that.

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the only thing different about capturing plugins is that you need an external interface. You’ll have to route the QC capture signal into your second interface, then into your DAW and thru the plugin, then back out of the DAW and interface into the QC. It can get confusing when assigning inputs and outputs in the DAW and thru the Plugins, but once you get that straight it’s just a matter of balancing all the gain stages to get the best quality capture.

What DAW and interface are you using?

Focusrite 4i4. I have tried the concept and got it to work. So I know how to do it. :slight_smile:

It seems that you are someone who knows a thing or two. I asked it before. But, when capturing, do I have to set the amp settings where I want it. or may I sett all to 12ó clock and then be able to tweak the capture? In other words will the knobs, bass, mid ,tre, work as usual?

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Sorry, I get carried away some times!

Think of the capture as a static ‘picture’ of your tone. Try to get it set exactly how you want it, because captures are meant to be just that snapshot of an exact tone and response. If you want to adjust it some, it’s best to make another separate capture for that.

You can adjust captures after the fact (gain/eq/vol), but they will NOT respond like the amp/pedal/plugin would have. They are only a for helping it sit in a mix a little better, not to sound like a different setting of the captured device.

Hope that helps!

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Alot of repeated stuff here…

If you use different amp settings capture those settings aswell you will have to do 3/4 captures if you want them…

And you only need one interface with enough ins and outs