Quad Cortex is defective-this is a known issue with outputs 3 and 4

I have noise issues coming from outputs 3 and 4. I’ve talked with Neural customer service about it and have sent videos and they are not wanting to repair. Has anyone else run into this? This is disappointing. I used the same setup and plugged into a Line ^ HX Stomp and there is no noise but when I use the Quad Cortex the noise does not stop even when I use the noise gate. I know this is a known issue with a batch of units. I’ve seen that Neural has repaired some units but is not wanting to repair mine. I have a video but it is not letting me attach it. Has anyone else run into this?

Out 3 and 4 or usb 3 and 4? I haven’t heard of this issue. I was having issues getting my QC(from first or second batch sweetwater received so very early) usb outs to work properly. It was issue with grounding for me. I had cables from QC, laptop, and pedal power supply crossing over each other but when i organized them it went away. Was driving me crazy for months. I hope neural isnt refusing to repair device that is truly in need. I havent seen that happen yet but i could be wrong.

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The noise is with outs 3 and 4. I can’t use it as a pedal board. I’ve tried all the cable configurations. I’ve seen other users on the forum have noise issues with 3 and 4 and Neural repaired the issue.

Haven’t seen anything about this before

Neither have I as of current.

Are you using TRS or TS cables?

This could be a possible option for noise. I think any other scenarios of people getting noise was from having the wrong cables or pedals

I would definitely try swapping out cables and monitors if you haven’t tried that yet. Also, the often neglected ensuring that everything is plugged up tight. That one has bitten me before.

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