Quad Cortex and Helix

Has anyone tried running a Helix through a Quad Cortex or vise versa? Wondering how well the 2 play together.


Yes, an HX Stomp XL. All worked as you would imagine with as FX Loop or after.

I have sold my HX though as the QC is more than enough for a bass player.

How would I go about hooking them up through the FX Loop? I have zero experience in that area.


Connect QC’s Send 1 & 2 to the other device’s Input 1 & 2. Connect other device’s Output 1 & 2 to QC’s Return 1 & 2.
This creates a stereo fx loop.
In your QC preset, add the Loop1/2 block wherever you’d like it to enter the grid

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Thanks for the help @xush and @tonydavidcray

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