QUAD CONTROLL crashing all the time

Anyone else experience that it does?

Version? (This Is minimum level of info to give, QC and app)

Yes, I see that, too. Can reproduce it.

  1. Start Quad Cortex
  2. Start Macbook and Cortex Controll

Result: either a freeze on the start screen at ā€œLoading Presetā€ or a total crash.

It ususally takes more than two tries to finally start the application.

I am on the current version 1.1.0 and the newest firmware.

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Yep. Since launch.


there are a BUNCH of threads concerning the CoCo issues, so Iā€™ve tried to compile most of the information contributed so far. Please add anything you think might help:

Same here (same versions), but on a Mac Studioā€¦

Either hanging on ā€˜Loading presetā€™ or crashing outrightā€¦


Any news?
It sucks so hardā€¦ No chance since 3.0 that cortex controls run on my Mac.

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Iā€™ve had this too. Also sometimes when making changes to a preset in cortex control, the change will appear on the QC itself, but nothing will happen in Cortex Control. For example, add an amp, but the amp doesnā€™t show. The changes are there after a reboot.

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