Cortex control hangs up at load preset

I read a previous post that said this issue was fixed by updating firmware. My QC is using 2.2.2. I know the QC is connected to the Mac because QC shows up as an option in the sound panel in system settings. Any Ideas

I am having the same issue with the latest FW and Cortex Control version. I’ve reported this too. I get only about less than 50% success rate in launching the app. (on M1 macbook)

was yours working before?
How are you connecting (cable-type, computer port specifics)?

Thanks for the reply. It’s working now and I’m not sure why. It failed to connect maybe a dozen times then connected successfully ever since. It is a beta version so I will cut it some slack. It’s connected thru usb to a Mac Studio. I’ve noticed some other issues that I will accept as beta issues.

Dave Williams

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I forgot to mention that it never connected to my old Mac because it was an Intel processor which I found was not supported.

Dave Williams

huh, I’m running on an old iMac w/ an Intel chip, thru a powered hub and mine has run smoothly since the initial release.
Hard to tell with a Beta where the issues are coming from, there’s still a lot in the loop other than just CoCo!
They’ll get there tho.
Glad yours is working now

Hmm, mine has been like this from earlier versions. Used to be very flaky even after it was launched well. With latest combo, everything is smooth except for this startup issue, which I am still having.