My QC has always functioned flawlessly until today when I encountered my first major issue. I was in the process of creating a new preset. I set up my routing as usual and dialed in a great sounding preset. However, when I engaged one of the pedals, the unit froze. After about 10-15 seconds, the screen turned off and some buttons remained lit, but the unit didn’t power down properly. I unplugged it, waited a few minutes, and attempted to start over. I recreated the exact same preset, only to encounter the same issue again. When I tried a hard reset, the unit just blinked repeatedly. I’m starting to panic a bit because I’m currently abroad and have a gig to play, with no nearby options for repairing the unit (5000KM away). I tried entering recovery mode, and then it started up proper… what should i do? should i backup and factory reset it? Any once please help!
Do you use the stock power supply?
Assuming you don’t and the problem doesn’t occur with your older presets, maybe the new one is heavier on CPU and draws more current than the power supply can deliver.
You could try using another power supply if you can get one. Also reducing the screen brightness can help to save some mA.
I am using the powersupply that came with the unit. Like now, i made a preset. just to save it, and it freezes. i can still play, but everything is stuck on the screen. this is sooo wierd. newer occured before.
Since you’re away from home, nowhere near a potential repair spot, and need it for a gig;
I’d be treating it like it’s made of glass until I got home…
If I were a guessing man, I’d say the SD card needs re-setting or replacing.