Process of redownloading captures/presets from the cloud fresh install

Is there a way to recover previously downloaded content from the cloud to the QC after factory reset? Looking for a batch solution. Otherwise I’m assuming I will have to essentially redownload it all. 2k captures presets total

If you have a previous backup you can restore it.

Understood. But I want to have different backups for different purposes with seperate groupings of captures and presets. I guess I will have to manually process. Would be nice to be able to extract captures and presets and export into another instance.

Might be faster to just start with a restore and then delete what you don’t want. Subtractive process instead of additive. You wouldn’t have to download everything again. You could create multiple backups that way with only the captures and presets you want.

Or…just change your workflow so you are grouping everything together logically without the need to have separate backups to restore.

I can understand the wish though to have separate backups for different collections. No reason you can’t do that, just might not have to start from scratch.

Don’t know of a batch solution.

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Thank you for reply. Appreciated