Hi there,
I have two QC devices. I build up my §most important" presets on one of them, incl. scenes etc. The other (second) unit has a lot of presets, a lot of junk I don’t need anymore. I already deleted them, i.e. “my presets” of the second unit is empty.
I would like to transfer all my presets from the fist unit into the second unit. Is there any easy way of doing that?
Just make a cloud backup with the unit, which is organized and restore it on the other
Additionally I would probably hard reset the second QC (reset everything to factory defaults) before restoring a cloud backup.
Yes, what Weinerdog and David said. I have three units and do it all the time. Its quick and simple.
Thank you all! The “Cloud backup” feature was new to me, but it’s really great!
it solves a lot of problems and is pretty amazing to think we can clone an entire machine or restore individual presets or captures (our own) without any physical connections
With CoCo, the desktop editor, you can also create a local backup file on your computer, which could be a major rescue in a situation where wifi wasn’t available and you require a physical connection.
the local backup feature is actually genius.
I Pfund it now: device settings > backups > local backups
there is a search button for finding the file locally. I write this for the database, because it’s just simple and effective. One is not limited to the five cloud backups
Local backups and the ability to recover single presets is news to me. When were those features added? Can individual presets be extracted from a bulk backup or do they have to be backed up individually? I guess I need to skim the latest manual for other missed nuggets. Thanks for the inadvertent heads-up, Xush.
hehe, all good! I think local b’ups came w/ CoCo, but could be misremembering.
Single presets or personal captures still have to be recovered thru the Cloud like always though (you have to have uploaded them specifically)- that hasn’t really changed.