Power Supplies options

I’m using the “Ritter QC Amp Base SHP” with power option for QC. Sure, it’s much more than just “power supply”, it’s a power amp solution nicely setup especially for QC. I like it… power, power, power, power in several meanings :grinning:

I’ve been using 12V3A power adaptor that is mainly for laptop computers.

These days, I and my friends started using USB PD(type C) 12V decoy cable + mobile battery or PD charger.

Decoy cable has positive center plug, you have to switch the polarity somehow.
Also, 12V is not officially supported on PD standards, some chargers like Anker products do not output 12V. You have to read the product notifications carefully before you buy.

Has anyone used this? https://www.amazon.com/COOLM-Adapter-100-240V-Security-Monitoring/dp/B07D5C745W/ref=asc_df_B07D5C745W/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693570871134&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14316432343091530850&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9010757&hvtargid=pla-1948335663726&psc=1&mcid=6d86292a39a83199bc8b274e693ab234

Sweetfootpedals.com makes custom PS including the QC. I have been using mine every day with no noise or issues.

Walrus Canvas HP is working great for me - basically like a 3 tap isolated power supply with a 4th that’s a built-in Cioks Crux. Also has 24v thru to add-on another Walrus / Mono / Strymon brick for expansion if needed.

I think I may order one and check it out. I like the design.


so I’m new here, the QC is on it’s way to me and I’m already thinking about how to built a pedalboard. Has anyone tried the Spaceship Pedalboards (Harley Benton)? Buy favourably priced Pedalboards online at Thomann – Thomann United States

I’m not that sure about how to calculate the power so any help is appreciated. I’m planning to use the QC and maybe 1-2 extra pedals.