Power locking functions screen keeps coming on

CorOS Version: 1.x
Describe your issue:
When I do x, y happens
The power locking screen randomly pops up and keeps coming up . Will go away when I reboot but not always. Why is this?
I have been in touch with support and sent a screen shot but no fix as of yet if this is an actual issue.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Steps to reproduce your issue:

  1. Step 1
  2. Step 2
  3. Step 3

I expected this to happen:
When I do x, I expect y to happen

I have tried the following things:

  • I have tried x
  • I have tried y
  • I have tried z

There was another issue reported with the power locking after the 3.0 CoreOS update where just the sound came on spontaneously. This could be related but perhaps not. Try going to ‘Settings’ → ‘Device Options’ → ‘Power Button Sensitivity’ and decreasing the sensitivity setting.

Thanks I did that.
This issue was going on from several updates back though. Was hoping the new update solved it,




