Possibly New to the QC,

I have concerns before dropping the cash on this unti. Appears there are a lot of complaints about support. Have not required support from the 2 top dogs so yeh this concerns me. Are there real problems or is it just user error? I know we all say this or that sounds better not asking that, how does it feel?

it’s no more prone to problems than any of the other flagship modelers. NDSP Support has a great reputation, very helpful and generally quick to respond. With any product, you can find bad experiences but the QC doesn’t seem to have more issues than any other brand of high-tech gear.

Most of us here think the ‘feel’ is great right out of the box. There are definitely things you can do to tweak the response, but it’s plenty good as is.


Fortunately for me, I’ve had no issues so far (3 + years). All legitimate issues, from what I’ve seen here, have been addressed promptly, and quickly.

Complaints here are mostly from not enough information for what NDSP is doing in progress reports, but to be fair, NDSP gets hammered if they do or they don’t. So, not legitimate complaints for support.

I personaly love the feel of the QC. It feels more organic then most modelers I’ve tried / had. The only one I haven’t acually tried is Fractal though.

If you get the chance, you should try it first. I think you will like it. I’m very pleased with mine.

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Remember that those who complain often shout the loudest. There are far more people with no issues who just quietly get on with using their unit.

I’ve had mine for over 2 years and never had an issue. I don’t actually know anyone that has.


I love my QC, but unfortunately have a couple friends who have had the weird boot loop issue that’s common with it, aside from it happening to me with two different units. Just gotta make sure I have two with me on tour so there’s a backup