So, on my QC, It says Plugin License not found under my Plini plugin. What do I do to fix that? Thanks.
Check this out:
There’s a couple things you may need to do
Well, I pushed the refresh button on the QC’s plugin menu and it worked suddenly. I guess it took a minute for the QC to figure out which plugins I own.
I recieved my gift of Nolly, installed it, doesn’t show on the QC. I own Plini X, it doesn’t find my license so no plugins are working for me on the QC, I’m am logged into my Nueral ACCT on the QC, my iLok account is up to date. Anyone else?
You need to push the Refresh button on the plugin devices or plugin presets list.
See “3. Post-update actions”
Thanks yeah, no amount of that is working. Any other ideas?
I have it squared away now, sorry to be a pill. I have 2 different iLok accounts
I have owned the QC for a couple of years and just did the latest update. It has plug ins and I went to the gift page and got the Morgan Suite. I went to Plugins and there were two locked plugins on board Plini X and Gojira X, both locked and no Margan Suite. Someone mentioned an iLok acount which I don’t have except maybe on Protools or something. Where do I go from here? Would really like to explore the Morgan suite…
SO I went to my iLok acct and found that the MorganAmp Suite is there. So now what?
So far, only Plini X and Gojira X are availabe on the QC. The other plugins will follow but there is no schedule published.
Thanks Andyjcp.
So If I were to buy the Plini or Gojira, they would be unlocked on my QC and immediately available? NOt sure I am into thoe tones but I might give them a try while I await the Morgan…Hey wait…was this part of their strategy?
Guys, Press refresh symbol on QC…
If you have your iLok account connected in your NDSP profile they will show up on the QC when you log in/Boot up. You may have to hit the ‘refresh’ button/icon on the PlugIn menu
Yes, Plini and Gojira are now running on QC if you have the license on your ilok account.
Did any of this solve your problem?
I think that my problem was signing up for the Morgan Amp Suite for my free QC gift and it is not available yet even though it was offered. I have the Plini and Gojira on the QC and am not interested enough to pay for them to unlock them yet in order to see if they unlock on my QC. I guess I am saying that I am not sure if my problem is solved until they put the Morgan amps on my QC and then see if I can unlock them. Maybe I should contact Neural DSP and see if they could change my free gift to the Plini and pick up the Morgam later?
I would email customer service and maybe they’ll let you swap. I believe, however, that all plugins will eventually make it to the QC. I got the Asato plugin for free, in hopes that it will port over in the next year or so. I’ll get Gojira next time they have the 50% off. I just knew I’d use the Asato plugin more now. When the Tone King & Cory Wong plugins ports to QC, I’ll be in heaven.
Yeah, Astrofreq, the Tone King really caught my eye. I played through one once ind it was totally cool but a bit limited in what it could do. When it gets to 50% off I will get it. And thanks for the suggestion of getting customer service involved. I listened to the Plini X and it is pretty versatile and would give me something to do while I wait on the Morgan and Tone King…
Don’t underestimate the Tone King. It is my absolute favorite. Of course, it also depends on the style and sound you are going for. The clean amp with the 2nd OD pedal gives a very fuzz-like sound. It is also great for fusion-y tones. It is really my go-to plugin now.
I had to reboot once after the full 3.0.0 install was done to get my plugins working. Signing out and back in didn’t do it.
In all fairness I’m Neural’s instructions, they do mention you can reboot. I couldn’t see a ‘Refresh’ button on the unit. I wasn’t connected to Cortex Control. I saw afterwards that CC has the Refresh button for the plugin list.
Anyways - reboot the unit if all else fails.