Overloading the VU on the output ...

CorOS Version: 2.3.1

Describe your issue:
I seem to intermittantly over load the output block VU.

Steps to reproduce your issue:

Passive low output Vintage style stratocaster pick ups.

Set the input VU level way below clipping like 75%. When I add OD or fuzzes to get a small boost for overdrive and light boost for crunch is when the output can clip.

So I look through the rig and cack off the out put of the fuzz or od and it seems to fix it. But it doesn’t always fix it in the long term.

I have a compressor after the amp and cab block. So I would think that should choke off transient peaks but it doesn’t…

Am not sure what I’m doing incorrectly but I would appreciate some advice on how to troubleshoot this clipping issue.

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