Out of the loop, 3.0.0 questions

Hey guys, I have been out of the guitar loop for a bit and got wind of the new update for the QC through my youtube recommendations. I updated, now I heard that QC owners can get one plugin for free, but I might already be too late for that? Is that still a thing, where and how to I register my QC to be eligable for this?

My second question is regarding the side chaining feature. Honestly I have no idea what that does. At first I thought it was like an internal send to a different part of the signal chain with the ability to blend. E.G. to have a dirty amp mixed with the naked guitar signal. Or in my case to have an amp signal without cab in the first row straight to output three. And then via sidechaining take the signal of the amp and put a cabinet in row 3 and send that to output one. It sounded horrible. Nothing like putting the cab behind the amp.
So I’m surely just not understanding what sidechaining does.
I also don’t really get how this helps with a noise gate. What is the benefit of putting the gate after the amp, but receiving the straight input signal?
What is the difference to just putting the gate at the start of the chain?

Would appreciate your Input. Thanks!

You have 2 days left, until 28th of August. For more, look here:

Be aware that while you can choose any plugin you want, right now only two plugins are compatible with the QC, Gojira X and Plini X. Next in line I think are Nolly X and Parallax X.

All available info is on the news page of NDSP:

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Sidechaining is an important feature in utilities like compressors and noise gates.

Here are a couple of GREAT articles which explain sidechain compression better than I ever could:

As for noise gates, there are amp blocks which produce some hiss and hum. Putting a noise gate behind the amp block helps to take care of that, but it’s still listening to the amp signal to determine when to kick in.

We now have the option of a sidechain input set to listen to the direct guitar input only. That way, the noise gate is only listening to the direct signal of the guitar and NOT the amp sound as its trigger point to kick in.


Great articles indeed! Thanks.

Sounded horrible because post 3.0 os dsp1 and dsp2 are out of fase… :slight_smile:

They are fixing the problem (from support)

True, the promotion is supposed to run until August 28th. Since you already updated to 3.0.0, all you should need to do is login to your account at neuraldsp.com. You should see a gift button with a number “1” on top of it indicating that you have a gift waiting. If you don’t, I would contact Neural support immediately.

NOTE: You do NOT have to claim your gift plugin before the 28th. You only need to complete the firmware update and login into neuraldsp.com. You can select your free plugin any time after that. At least according to Neural’s FAQ at the link below.

Neural FAQ:
Q: Do I have to redeem my free gift straight away?

A: No. Just ensure you update your Quad Cortex to CorOS 3.0.0 and log in before August 28th to have the free gift in your account, then you can redeem your gift whenever you want.

Tha k you so much! I got my Gojira and I have to say im very impressed so far. I even decided to go all in Quad Cortex, im selling most of my other stuff and have ordered a second unit to be gig ready.


Since today is the 28th and the new unit takes a few days to arrive… I assume it will not be eligible for a second plugin? :innocent:

I think you just get one plugin for free per account, not for each device

I suppose you could start a second account for the other device but that makes sharing presets with the second backup QC a pain. You would have to load all the presets to be shared between units to the cloud. Easier just to synch up with backup and restore on the backup QC.

Even if you created a second account (hassle but doable), sort of a moot point unless Neural courtesy gifted you a plugin on the new unit for ordering before the Aug. 28th deadline.