Not showing up in Studio One 4

For the life of me, I can’t get Studio One 4 to show the Plini plugin. I have the professional version that allows for third party plugins, but it just won’t show up despite having luck with other plugins. Has anyone had the same issue?

Hi. Have you tried re-scanning the plugins in Studio One? (Studio One>Options>Locations>VST Plug-ins>Check “Scan at startup” and press “Reset Blacklist”)

If it doesn’t work, try uninstalling the plini plugin and installing it again on a custom location. After that, don’t forget to add the new location on Studio One (Studio One>Options>Locations>Add…)

what version of Studio One 4 do you have?
If you’re like me, I have the Artist version, which doesn’t support VST. You either have to upgrade or buy an addon for Studio One to allow third party VST

Man, I had the same issue in Studio One.

What worked was I ended up doing was just creating copies of the .dll files in the VST folder and it ended up finding them. Ended up renaming to "Archetype Plini " with a space at the end so it didn’t say “Archetype Plini (copy)” in Studio one.

Could not get it to work any other way even with reinstalling the plugins, resetting blacklist, etc.

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Also make sure its the 64 bit plugins since S1 only uses 64 bit:

C:\Program Files\VstPlugIns

Know that you did good kid. God did well in creating you. Thank you