Noisy guitars after Reamping with QC DI's

As the title says.

I’ll record high gain guitars/bass just fine along side a dry DI track. Main tone will come out of outputs 1/2 and the dry DI will come out of outputs 3/4. Simple enough. But when I reamp with those dry tracks it sounds noisy like there’s extra gain that I didn’t add. Global volume is at 50. Plugins are all bypassed while reamping. And when I reamp using dry tracks from an old DI i was using before I bought the QC they reamped perfectly fine. It’s like the QC doesn’t like its own DI. Weird. What am I missing here?

Global volume is at 50

try 100 which is unity gain and report back!
I could be wrong, but it wont hurt to try.

Nope. That didn’t work :frowning:

So no one knows anything about this? Just me?

IF your gain staging is all good, and it re-amps older DI’s perfectly as you say, then I can only think that perhaps it’s a DAW issue? You can toggle Dry/Wet on the i/o of the quad and that may make a difference if you had a mismatch to your armed tracks, it’s hard to diagnose from a distance!

Not a DAW issue if it works fine with a different DI.

However, while I did gain stage my input, I neglected my outputs. I noticed the USB 7/8 out that I’m reamping with runs seriously hot. But I can’t seem to control its output volume. The USB Level knob does nothing. How do I control the output level of the USB outs?