No sound from neural dsp plugin when recording or playing guitar

first time issue with neural dsp plugins. I’m using FL studio (latest version) and a Scarlett 2i2 interface. the plugins work in standalone and are showing activated in my ilok account. for some reason in my DAW i get no sound when i load the plugin onto the mixer track I’m recording. I’m getting dry/clean signal and sound from the guitar but no fx from the plugin i have loaded. i have everything set up properly in my audio settings in fl, made sure i was in the correct input and still nothing also if i record the dry guitar signal and play it back the plugin works. but doesnt while im playing or recording. it has to be something simple. i havent seen much at all online so im hoping someone can please help here

can you share the images of plugin on daw and also audio settings of your daw

i sent some images lmk if theres any more you need i would literally pay somebody to fix it at this point lol

Hi just curious have you armed the track/tracks you have your guitar/instrument plugged into…I don’t use fl studio… Is input monitoring on for that track… Also your buffer size looks very high 512 may effect things also I would lower that to 128 maximum providing your pc is capable

hey whats up and yes i have it armed when playing and was getting signal but i just read what you said ab the input monitoring and checked mine and it was actually OFF in the “monitor external input” section of the mixer. clicked it to ON and everything just started working. THANK YOU!!!

That’s great glad to help you figure it out👍