Hi, I have a question. I bought the Nano Cortex a few days ago and decided to get the M-WAVE Chocolate midi pedal so I could have more channel change buttons. But there is a problem, the pedal works great and fits perfectly but in the bank change option there is no way to configure it to add a preset from the Nano Cortex to each bank. And there is no way to modify the factory presets and move them to a higher or lower box, the only solution is to delete and create new presets to be able to put them in order and thus have the banks organized. Isn’t there a way to do this without having to delete the factory presets? I don’t know if I have expressed myself well but basically it is that we can move the presets on the screen and place them wherever we want. If anyone has the solution I would appreciate it. And if not, I urge Neural to make this possible in future updates.