In the device list, the Cab loader is naturally right after the Amp and Neural Capture loaders, which makes sense; if I’m going to create a new preset, I’m going to start with an amp or capture of an amp, then add a Cab. Or I might add an IR… but the IR Loader is all the way down near the bottom of the Device category list, which is an illogical place to put it.
Please can you move the IR Loader so it is just after the Cab loader?
Sadly not. In fact now I’ve spent more time using the new ‘pin’ function, I’m a little underwhelmed with that too, disappointingly; you can only pin something within the pop-up device loader list that appears when you ADD a new block from within the grid.
You can’t pin something from within the Directory itself, when you view the directory there is no indication of which devices you have already pinned - they don’t appear at the top of the list, they appear wherever they would appear in the list if you hadn’t pinned them already, and there is no icon to show you that you’ve pinned them, so no way of knowing which are pinned and which aren’t - when viewed within the Directory.
Worst of all you can’t pin IR’s, which is probably the device that most needs this function seeing as you can have 1024 different IR’s in your library…