The ability to ‘pin’ favourite devices is a nice feature, but the implementation of this function is lacking in several areas;
It seems you can only pin something within the pop-up device loader list that appears when you ADD a new block from within the grid, and…
…you can’t pin something from within the Directory itself
When you view the directory there is no indication of which devices you have already pinned - they don’t appear at the top of the list, they appear wherever they would appear in the list if you hadn’t pinned them already, and there is no icon to show you that you’ve pinned them, so no way of knowing which are pinned and which aren’t (when viewed within the Directory, that is)
Worst of all you can’t pin IR’s, which is probably the device that most needs this function seeing as you can have 1024 different IR’s in your library
Please can these be addressed in a future update