Most Efficient way to make downloaded presets sound good on your rig

As stated above I wonder if anyone has some suggestions as to a method/system fo getting downloaded presets to sound great on the downloaders rig. I must assume that most folks uploading feel pretty good about what theyve created (in spite of the fact that most sound terrible on my end), which is why Im asking for some help. Should I start by turning all blocks off and addressing input gain first and going to amp and cab block next? Addressing overdrive/boosts next and lastly effects? Also, where should I be going for main volume?


For the QC and Plugins sometimes there are presets where a custom IR was used so when you fill in your own IR or a Cabsim the sound will be very different from the “original”

Nonethless there are plenty of presets which are sounding not good to your ears because everyone has a different taste.

I think there’s nothing wrong with your setup. I experience this too a lot. Sometimes little IR / EQ tweaks can do something huge.

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Personally I’d say try make your own presets… I have tried a few just to see but they always sound rank on my end…rank meaning terrible.

The sound your looking for is inside your own head and the QC will need you to get it there… And hope the midi is still going OK for you👍

People have different guitars and different volume and tonality adjustments may play an important role.

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