More/better MIDI control

The NC is awesome, sounds are there, effects are great.
But 64 presets are a little to less…
Why not make it possible to change things with midi?
like add an effect or control gain/reverb lvl.
I know its possible with a expression pedal but also just very limited.

Full midi control of all effect parameters is a must have in todays world. Even the Tonex has that capability. Even just turning on Nd off would be a good start.

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I know this is an NC related request and I’m more concerned with plugins, but this issue relates to an attitude change required for all Neural DSP products so it gets my vote.

I agree that MIDI control should be extended to anything and everything that can be accessed with a mouse for a software product and/or a physical button in the hardware products.

I’m currently working on a MIDI controller for my standalone Tone King plugin. Generally I think the MIDI implementation is very good, but a couple of gaping holes are the inability to remotely change the page view between the pedals, amp, cab sims etc. and also you cannot access the tuner via MIDI.

The lack of midi control is the one thing that keeps me hanging on to my Kemper. It just seems like such an easy problem to solve.

When a new preset is selected with the pedal, all settings always change according to the new preset, naturally.

However, is it possible to set the plugin to a mode where the different effects and controls (pre-, post-, EQ, amp channel, etc.) would remain in the state where they are set with the pedal?

Currently, all these have to be set again every time after changing the preset.