Not sure if anyone has asked this since 2.0 but is it possible to save Modes configuration per preset? I’m not seeing it but I can see that being super useful. Thanks!
only globally, presently. Would make a good feature request
This obviously needs to be per preset and I would love the option to chose number of scenes vs stomps as well while we are at it
Yes!!! Did not know it was only global, a little disappointing.
Yes!! It would also be super useful if you could set hybrid + each of those modes individually. Currently if you have a Stomp + Scenes hydrid, you can only cycle through that and preset mode. I think it would be very useful to be able to cycle though each of thos individual modes in addition to the hybrid.
Pair that to modes configuration per preset would be perfect
This is SO necessary, it’s not even funny. I’ve only just started building some presets using hybrid mode (useful!). But discovered that when I want to go back to other presets that I just use in stomp mode, I have to go find the Modes Configuration screen, break apart the hybrid mode into separate stomp and scene modes before I can use all 8 buttons for stomp again. It seems way more useful to save the mode configuration per preset - I may have different config needs even on adjacent presets, and it’s a PITA to go menu diving to switch this, and very limiting to have to set it globally.
The way they introduced hybrid mode is just problematic. You lose the option to have full scene mode and full stomp mode if you want hybrid. There’s no reason for this, as some presets would make much more sense in hybrid mode, or stomp, or scene. I guess for a few users that use preset mode keep it along as a typical feature in devices like this.
But yeah, it’s not a great system yet. Really they just need to copy the command center nature of switches controlling everything possible in stomp mode like the Helix family does it.
Could not agree more. That has been one of the major issues for me with using the QC for live performance.
Voted! This would be win city.
Came here to post for exactly this!
Would be amazing to get this feature.
+1! It will be great. I usually use Hybrid Mode (Top Row = Presets, Bottom Row = Scenes) but some presets I need to use 5 scenes… it would be great if, loading a preset, it will load up in Scene Mode for instance.
This or… have a Helix kinda “Command Center” where we can assign any footswitch to perform any action we want, per preset!
A helix like command center where you can assign every switch per preset (please neural don’t make it global in some way) with whatever functionality you want would be indeed the better (more flexible) solution Please vote here: Feat. Request: Make Hybrid Mode more like “Command center” on Helix
Thanks for the reminder! I already voted for this one, but meant to vote for the command center one. Voted!
Bump. Sometimes I use the QC as a pedalboard. Sometimes I use it as an amp sim. Sometimes I want 8 scenes, sometimes I only need 4 and some pedals. Sometimes I need scenes and presets.
Hybrid mode is good but really annoying when needing to swap back and forth between configs. Especially when you’ve set a preset up for say, Scenes top and pedals bottom, then time goes on, you make new patches, go back to the preset and have to guess how you had it configured.
To add to this functionality, even though I have hybrid mode, I should still be able to access a scene mode and stomp mode separately instead of it being “removed” the way they currently are when using hybrid mode.
I one thousand percent agree. Please make assignable to each preset. That way you don’t need to toggle through the modes unless you wanted to.
Any update on this much needed feature.
Thanks. David
I’d also love to know if this is being addressed in the 3.0 update. I’m hoping it might be since they said there would be some big changes to folders, MIDI per switch, etc.
To me if modes aren’t saved per preset then they’re almost useless. Maybe there are workarounds but there are definitely going to be songs where hybrid scene\stomp is useful, and others where I’ll just want 8 scenes–
Or more. I know people have mentioned elsewhere that it would be really useful to be able to scroll to another page of buttons within the same preset and i agree.