I’m branching out… I have a Hologram Microcosm arriving soon, and I am planning to put it in a stereo loop - using a volume pedal to fade this loop in/out in real time as I feel led. It will have its own lanes to stereo outs, so my main signal and chain is unaffected by the Microcosm. Already I’m thinking about how to sync the tempo of QC delays/trem etc with the Microcosm. Reading threads here it seems the QC can’t (yet?) generate midi clock/tempo information to control external midi effects? So, is this likely to happen in an update at some point, or do I need to buy some sort of pedalboard friendly Midi Clock generator/contoller? Anyone got advice for me - Midi (Musicians Incapable of Doing It) is black magic to me - I don’t want to waste money on unnecessary extra gear! Any help appreciated.
QC does not yet send out MIDI clock info for syncing to external devices. But we all want it. Please see this feature request and vote:
In the meantime, I’m using a Disaster Area Designs SMARTClock Gen3 on my pedalboard and it’s fantastic. Very flexible. Check it out:
Thanks for the info - I did tick that box last night when I was looking for answers. Midi is a new thing for me, so its very helpful to be able to ask on this forum.
The Smartclock doesn’t seem available in the UK… but it looks ideal.
Hi! I just bought a micro.clock from Disaster Area - second hand - and I cannot for the life of me get it working with not just the QC, but any other midi pedal on my board. Any clues would be grateful received.
It has a multijack rather than 5-pin DIN, but I presumed that when I just configure that to ‘MID’ in the setup menu, and set the dip switches accordingly, it should send tempos. But it doesn’t seem to do anything! Very frustrating.
Re: multijack, Products — Morningstar Engineering Web Store sells adapters to convert to 5 pin.
There’s a lot to unpack here.
At the moment the QC cannot transmit MIDI clock data. [Not the same as the CC# 44 “Tempo BPM” listed in the QC’s manual.]
DM me with more info on what pedals you’re trying to sync with the micro.clock and how you’re trying to get it all hooked up.
Disaster Area Designs sells adapter cables, but they’re pricey compared to the Morningstar web store.
EDIT: I originally had said that the QC cannot receive MIDI clock. I’ve been corrected.
My QC definitely does receive MIDI clock from my HX Effects. It doesn’t transmit MIDI clock, however.
Hello boys!
With the new update the QC can send midi out clock, but I can’t synchronize it with my Boss SL2 slicer. I don’t understand what order I should give to my QC to achieve synchronization. I tried it through midi in on top of the sl2 and through the CTL in.
I still depend on the smartclock and I would like to remove it from my pedalboard to save space. Has anyone figured out how to do it? Or can you explain to me how to configure?
Thanks in advance!
Hello, go ahead and turn off MIDI Thur on your QC and you’ll be good to go!
But I did what you say and it doesn’t solve my problem. Can someone explain better or give another solution?
everything ready, I already have it. thanks guys!!