LOOPER with Upgraded Functions & possible 2 or 3 Loops


Hope this comes true.
I can‘t wait.
Gig next week

See you


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Also would be great to be able to bring up the Looper at any time with a dedicated switch (fe ^ when in scene mode)
Also, “punch in” function meehh, useless


Hey Cmath,
I opened a thread to vote for this particular feature, which is here:

This function would allow to unlock Qc’s looper for a live / stage use, either for solo musicians who want to sync their looper with other midi devices, or for bands to communicate and sync tempo with other musicians ( i.e. drummers / drum machines / synths)

If they could get some ideas from this pedal, that would be a dream:


I’ve posted several times about improvements to the looper - for example being able to save loops permanently like the Headrush units can. Remember though that when the QC first shipped it didn’t even have a looper at all, so keep up the feature requests for the looper as it doesn’t feel like the looper is a priority for most people here and also for Neural DSP unfortunately…


Because the Looper hasn’t been addressed at ALL…
I’m purchasing the Sheeran Looper soon to start using for my acoustic shows.
Sucks because it’s ANOTHER LARGE investment of gear & I LOVE my Acoustic sound & effects that I have from the QC…so now I have to spend tons of time dialing in the Sheeran Looper sounds…which I can’t imagine can compete with my Captured QC sound or I have to have a MASSIVE pedalboard for the QC/Sheeran looper…

I was Hoping to Only be using the QC…we Shall See…

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Two loops would be great and it would expand the QC’s usability for me.

But the looper also needs a decay function.

+1 on needing 2 tracks that sync - I voted

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I’m still Hopeful that the Powers that be will listen to us on this post rolling out plug in compatibility! :flushed::man_shrugging:t2:

Yup… Let’s see if it’s on one of the future CorOS 3 updates…

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I’m certainly not holding my breath

As I’ve said in other posts, you’re right not to be holding your breath: I posted a feature request nearly 18 months ago about the possibility of being able to save loops in the memory as the Headrush can.

My experience so far is you don’t get anywhere with NDSP by hoping something happens, you need to create a feature request, bang on about it all the time and get as many votes as possible and still contact them directly and make the request with the support team and ask them to pass on to their developers.
And even then you’ll probably find they focus on big headling stuff that doesn’t interest you and overlook the everyday stuff that makes your user experience so much more enjoyable and seamless…

I’m actually going to try a Headrush Core to see if it suits my needs better - especially for the ability to load backing tracks straight from within the internal memory or an external SD card.

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I voted for this option. I’m mostly looking for Multi channel looping functionality.
And also for the very related feature request here: Looper with at least two loops for A and B song part
Please add your votes to upvote this feature request.

I posted this September of 2023 and Nothing!

Not Even an Acknowledgment by Neural that they have seen this!

They ONLY care about Plug in compatibility with the QC which I understand because they promised that from the start!

:man_shrugging:t2: At this point, The Looper is what it is and most Likely will Never be Improved!
90 Votes for it at this point which I guess is Not enough to be Taken Seriously!

Bump for this thread!

  • Needs savable loops!
  • Needs a STOP button straight from 1st layer recording. None of this “undo” workaround bs
  • For that matter, needs customizable button functions, like if you never use punch in, it could be a different option like “re-start loop” (DL4 style), fade out, etc.
  • maybe NDSP would release multiple versions of the looper block…one with a good multi track setup, etc. I dunno.

Something like that would be great even. I think about getting this as a looper, just for the Playback and Drummer. But it seems strange, that the looper is stuck in this state. Hopefully something will change soon :innocent:

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Well some of the features requested in the forum have more than 200 votes and still no acknowledgement of neural…

I guess the best is to write a mail to support… See this post here: QC Feature Requests/mail to support


Yes, my shortlist for the looper (s):

  • assign all looper functions to any stomp switch in stomp or scene mode. I really only need record and play.
  • Just add a seperate new multitrack looper block and keep the one we have right now mostly as is in terms of functionality
  • the multitrack looper should just be 3 tracks, with a record/overdub and play/pause button for each. The last 2 buttons should be global start/stop and global undo/redo for the last track. For my use the loops should be synced, but unsyncing the loops and that kind of stuff should be possible. Since the tech is already there maybe allow players to also reverse / slow down/speed up individual loops by using the touch screen for a more “desktop” use approach.
  • dont personally care about saving loops but I guess thats cool.
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