Ability to save loops + overdubs

I’d like the ability to save loops inside the loop. I’d like every single overdub to be its own separate file.

The unit has 25GB of storage, so there’s more than enough space.

I do not expect to recall the loops and overdubs once cleared. I only expect to use the looper to come up with ideas, and to then save them and be able to export them to my computer for archival.

Hi, we have several requests in the forum already for expanded looper functions. These may address what you’re trying to do.

You can also just record the loop into your DAW or phone. I do this to capture ideas for reuse later.

With a machine like the QC you’d think that file management (which exists in general) could be extended to loop data. Saving and loading loops isn’t exotic new terrain, i reckon.

In addition, once that is supported, importing external audio as loops should be a logical next step.

Right now the looper seems quite barebones and basic (really trying to avoid the word half-assed here).

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As of current, the internal SD card is 32Gb I believe. Saving loops on that depending on remaining space left etc., would probably be limiting unless saved as MP3 or some other compressed format.

Agreed, some compression may be necessary, but this shouldn’t be a challenge nowadays, as there are plenty of - open - algorithms out there that can be used for that purpose. Ogg vorbis or flac might be candidates, if one REALLY needs that lossless compression.

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