LAtency issue on changing Presets

Has anyone experienced an increase in latency, even with the same buffer size and recording mode on while changing presets in the Archetype Nolly?

Hi @prashurya.goswami. Could you please send me the details (sample rate, buffer size, DAW, audio/video examples, etc) to


44.1 khz
Buffer size 128 samples
Mac OS Mojave
Logic pro X (not the latest)
Oversampling normal ( in the plugin)
I don’t have examples ready rn, cause i did not record it. But it happens when i open a saved project and change a preset and try to record with it. Once i have an example ready i will send it to the above email. Thanks for responding.
Also it uses up a lot of cpu like around 40-50%

The same here. Happens eventually.
24/48, Buffer 64, Logic 10.4.6, OSX 10.14.6

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Hi @edu.luke. Same as above. Please send the details to so we can check what’s going on.

I already did months a go… also sent e-mail about the “signal loss” after 30 minutes of use etc. Months a go as well.

I’m sorry about that. I can see your message mentioning the “signal loss” bug, but I can’t find anything related to this specific issue. Did you use a different email address?

If memory serves right, same address.

Can’t wait for this update.

Yeah i think the nolly need a big bug fix, other all plugins seem to be fine