Issues with the Lehle Dual Expression//The perfect expression pedal to match the QC

Hi there! I’ve been using the Lehle Dual Expression for a while with the QC and I’m not able to get what I want from it. I set the Exp 1 to the bypass, on the Switch mode with the Latch emulation on. I would like to use it as a wah pedal and as a volume pedal. In this mode, you get to shift from the wah to the volume through the switch. To this point everything is fine, however, the Dual Expression from Lehle has a magnetic sensor as a switch instead of a mechanical one, which makes me unvoluntarily shift the FX when I reach the maximum range. I wanted to know:

1-If there’s any Lehle Dual Expression and QC user who has faced this issue, how has he/she managed to solve it.
2-If I don’t find a better solution I might be changing my Lehle Dual Expression for another expression pedal with a mechanical switch. Which one have you found to work the best with the QC?

Thank you very much!

As you’re wanting to switch and not use them together, why not use scenes? I use a Lehle exp and I put the Mono Volume pedal before the QC too.

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I don’t know if anything else is as ‘high-quality’ as the Lehle, it’s pretty top-notch;

The Mission Engineering pedal w/ switch is very sturdy and works great for toggling by switch, if you don’t mind passing thru the full throw of the pedal to reach the switch. Sometimes that can be a little weird, depending on what you’re turning off/on. It’s very nice, but very BIG- can be a challenge to configure on a board.

I’m also using an Ampero Hotone Press II; it’s compact, fairly cheap, but sturdy enough. The footprint/size is much more appropriate for the QC.

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I tried to set the bypass in a particular scene but it didn’t work for some reason, I don’t know if it’s because I already had the bypass linked with the switch and this route is considered more imperative (?). Anyways, even if I end up making it work, I like the idea of being able to change the expression pedal function in every scene independently. I mean, for example, I’d like to be able to use both wah and volume pedal in scene A. Thank you very much btw!

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Thank you very much! I already listed the Hotone Press II as a potential option as well.

You can assign the On/Off of indvidual blocks to scenes and have the pedal control as many things as you want in the overall preset. Just switch off the blocks you’re not using per scene, or leave them as stomps in one row and have scenes in the other in hybrid mode

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For my money and my brain I tend to use two “cheap” expression pedals on the floor next to it. Simplifies things and I would imagine two of these moog expression pedals would be cheaper than most dual function pedals. I’ve used them for about two years and they have been solid. (However they are made of plastic)


The thing here is that, at least with the Lehle Dual Expression, you need to plug two TRS cables: Output 1 to EXP 1, and Output 2 to EXP 2 (this way, EXP 1 is routed to Bypass and EXP 2 to the parameter I want to modify). Do these simpler expression pedals work fine with the QC throught only one TRS cable each? Thank you!

And…in this case, how would you route them?

Yep sure do. Each pedal has a TRS cable to exp 1 or two. I use one pedal to control delay mix level. And another to usually do volume pedal duty. But you can assign this per preset. Some some presets I have it do Wah or whammy. I think it’s more flexible

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Same exact problem. Everytime Id have my wah on it kept clicking the magnet to switch as if to change to exp 2. Too loose. I couldn’t tighten it, adjust it nothing. Then I learned the calibration inside the Lehle. Oh man, plug it in while holding the 10k switch then let go. Then to calibrate full range of motion from heel to toe, while letting go of the 1 button and now pressing the 50k button, move heel to toe a couple of times, hold it, clicks again your 0%-100% is now calibrated. In the pedal. You still have to calibrate the QC exp 1and exp 2 per usual. But you do have to do that same routine I just mentioned to do the actual pedal itself. Now I really don’t know how it’s humanly possible to use that pedal heel to toe without clicking the clicker. From what I had the pleasure of experiencing. I also tried tightening it up underneath. It didn’t budge really. I don’t need it that tight at all, but this was silly loose. So worked with them and they were fantastic. But, but, but I was told and it’s in the manual a process to “stiffen” (he said stiffen) the pedal so it’s “like the dunlops pedals from back in the day” which I still have one and works perfectly btw. So I was like ohh, cool ok sounds great.
Uhh ya, not so much.
I read the manual and well then I’ll spare ya that part because in the manual during the next process, it says to say “lehle switcher” 3x while moving the pedal lever from heel to toe a couple of times. Ya, no I think they did that to see if we’d do it. To laugh at us. So I got those instructions minus the “lehle switcher” routine. Ready? Plug the unit back in while holding the 10k button again. When blue left side button flashes blue let go, press the 10k button again while flashing and hold it but now squeeze the ever loving sh#! out of it until you hear it click and well, it’s anybody’s guess at that point at what “stiffnes” your actually at.(Their word not mine) I know I did it 150x. Sometimes I would be pressing for deal life (again no way to gauge the actual process) and would get no click so to alert you the process was finished. So back to it. Yayyy. No. No no. Then I noticed and it was mentioned for experimental sake it has been programmed where you won’t even be able to click it. Greeeaaaat. No way to gauge it. So I would have to go a bit easier next time to actually get the at this point dreaded click. Because then you would have to place it on the floor to see if the adjustment came out ok. It did not ever once. Infact the times I could get the confirmation clicks after now not squeezing the crap out of it and hoping my setting would tnd up in a good place. After that process over and over to place it on the floor to see if I remotely had it, it would click like 3x. And I did all this for 3 months. Exactly when I was recovering from my hip replacement. Not a great time to have to perform such futile tests. I remained patient. Mentioned,… “Hello, think maybe I got a bad one here maybe”?? that wasn’t addressed at all. Or my 3 clicks now conundrum. No lie, if the process confirmed itself, that was the only process I made. Now it clicked once on the way down and 2x on the way up. Trust me, I did it enough times. All the while going …guys?? Think I might have a defect here, dudes??" Nothing. Needless to say It had exhausted any shot of a refund by being so patient. But I’ll say this. They made good on it. After bringing up the fact I was tortured for that time and remained patient, I cannot get a refund now. And its a bit expensive ya know? And I asked several times… Do you think I got a defective unit? Never got the answer. Instead, it was decided it may not be the device for me and even though I have awesome gear (not sure what that meant I don’t recall itemizing my rigs) it’s probably not the device for me and my gear. Oh sh#! Imagine that. I was also told the procedures were ah-hmmmm “easy”. Give me a _$#@&+! break. I know condescending rethoric when I hear it. That is not two easy ways to calibrate a friggin pedal. 3 months. So please forgive me, I know the technology is technically… Uh I don’t know what it is actually. Magnets and the Hall technique or procedure. But Everytime I turn around I hear how great they are. They may very well be, I never had the chance to truly know. But screw that calibration process. … that sucked. Now am I the only person in the free world that actually had to perform this calibration routine on this pedal? I must be because I haven’t heard one word about this. All I hear is how awesome the “new technology” is. Well I’ve been playing a long time. And I’ve had a whole bunch of gear and quality equipment my whole life. I never ever ever want to have such an “easy” calibration process in my life again. Thanks for listening. And now you folks know how to calibrate the pedal. Dont forget to NOT say 'lehle switching" 3x. :woozy_face: It’s in the manual, go look!! Unless it was a horrible nightmare and they removed it by now. “Hey that friggin guy from Boston is going to tell everyone about that now, get it out of the manual… Hurry!”. Peace


Wow, man! Thanks for all that info! You’re saving me a lot of time!

Hey All… Just got a Lehle, and had the same issue that Muntsy13th had… That switch is WAY to sensitive, and I get the frustration, I have a fix tho! I had some extra little rubber feet with adhesive on one side, stuck two of them on top of each other next to the magnetic switch, and now I have to press hard to engage, and when using the wah, i don’t accidentally turn it off. Works pretty well.




Joki from LEHLE here.

The threshold of the trigger can be calibrated as you want.
As the sensor for the magnet is right sided, you can press the pedal on this side a bit more while calibrating. You can see this at the picture.
This way the pedal won’t reach the threshold while pedalling normally but only with that extra kick.

Interesting to read your side of story.
Disappointing cynicism my friend.

Best regards


Thank you! It’s so cool to have an “official answer”.

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This solution, works.

I use a piece of felt normally used under furniture to avoid scratching the floor.

Without it the switch is way too sensitive. It always trigger with very little pressure.

Tried to recalibrate it, didn’t had much success.


How did you calibrate it?
You know that you can calibrate the range of the pedal and calibrate the threshold of the switch?
You saw this:

That’s why “Didn’t had much success” is theoretically not possible, because it is possible to set the threshold to a position, which is basically out of mechanical range.
