I hope all is well. I am experiencing some problems with my home brewed expression pedal.
I have an expression pedal that I made that uses a switch to switch the potentiometer in the pedal between two separate TRS cables. One cable is connected to Expression 1 and the other into Expression 2 to control the Gain Block Level and Wah respectively. Now each cable on it’s own works flawlessly to control the Volume or Wah, but the issue lies with the parameter which the pedal controls once the pedal is basically “deactivated” from the respective circuit, i.e. Volume or Wah.
For example, when the Wah is at 100% (pedal all the way toe down) and I click the switch to change the pedal’s function from Wah to Volume, the Wah parameter in the QC does not go completely “off” to 0, but floats slowly to somewhere around .50 of the value.
Same thing with the volume control. When the pedal switches from the “Volume circuit” to the “Wah circuit”, the volume floats down to around -10 db from 0 db (pedal all the way toe down).
Now keep in mind that when the Wah circuit is connected to the potentiometer, the volume circuit, or basically the cable connected to the Expression 1 input is literally just a cable, connected to nothing.
This can be replicated if you just plug in a regular TRS cable in the Expression pedal input and the expression input pedal is connected to a parameter on the QC.
For example, if the gain level is connected to the expression pedal input as a controller, plugging in a regular TRS cable will drop the volume to around -10db, or so. If this could be confirmed, I’d appreciate it.
I understand that there’s some resistance in the cable, but I had an FM3 and this was not an issue with that unit, so I believe that this may be something that could be just a programming issue or something like that with the QC its self.
If anyone could provide some insight regarding this issue that would be great.
Thank you!