Issues with MIDI clock from QC to meris lvx

CorOS Version: 2.3

Describe your issue:
I have Meris LVX connected via fx loop to QC and also it’s connected through MIDi.
When I enable midi clock, switching between scenes changes the time of lvx twice:

  1. to default
  2. then again to the tapped tempo of the QC
    This makes the sound wierd. I wish to have a way to not send clock sync when switching scenes

I have this same issue but I don’t think it is related to the “default.”
To confirm, I set my QC globo tempo to 120bpm. The preset is 120bpm. Every scene is 120bpm. The LVX global is 120bpm. The LVX Preset is defaulted to 120bpm.

When I change scenes the LVX shows the tempo dips briefly to 82, 83, 84, or 85 bpm.

I hooked up the QC via USB to my computer and, using Mid-Ox, I can also see the QC midi clock tempo is changing to 8x bpm briefly when the scene is changed.

So this has nothing to do with the LVX. The QC has a bug here. The tempo out should not change when a scene is changed if the tempo control is set to Global or Preset. And it shouldn’t change if it is set to Scene if each scene has the same tempo setting.

MIDI clock tempo isn’t transmitted as an absolute value (“tempo = 120”), but rather as a series of “beats” (24 beats to a quarter note) that the receiving device uses to calculate speed and to sync to the current “beat” . If a beat is delayed, the receiving device will perceive this as slower tempo.

It looks like the QC is too busy during scene change to continue sending clock signals - this creates a delay in the next clock pulse sent out - presto, the receiving device will drop to a lower tempo (to reflect the longer time between pulses), before catching up to the tempo with the next pulse.

So this sounds like something NeuralDSP need to fix - put the MIDI clock send to a different processing thread, so it isn’t affected by the scene change.

Short tempo changes usually don’t hurt, since the tempo should catch up to the correct tempo very quickly, but when tempo-sync’ed delays are involved, even a short tempo-change can create pretty nasty artefacts. So definitely something to address by NDSP.

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has this been reported to ?