Incoming midi cc to control footswitch A,B,C,D

I will correct you there… It works fine and has been working perfectly for me… I will add if it’s not working for you, you are not doing it properly and that’s all I can say…

You mite be able to sus out what you are missing/doing wrong from this image… I run stomp and scenes separately but you can combine them as in hybrid mode…

Cnt 1 Cnt 2 will be were you need to concentrate going by what your saying that is we’re your going wrong I would say

In stompbox or scene works fine but not in hybryd…

OK I will try it on mine when I get time and get back to you

Thanks for your help!

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You can also just programme the Fcb1010 top 4 as stomp and bottom 4 as scene… And be done with it…

Yeah the midi needs to be improved on the QC for sure. It’s crazy how limited they’ve kept it, even though they’re such a brand that seems to pride itself on being super modern.

Also you aren’t going to get a midi floor unit to perfectly sync its lights for on/bypass perfectly unless it has a proprietary cable. I learned that in a thread recently since the midi communication doesn’t function fully the way you’d think. Fractal and Helix have proprietary cable connections for their midi foot switches that sync with their units.

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It’s not possible to mirror everything on this floorboard unit. The lights will not perfectly sync just because of midi.

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You don’t have to be in hybrid mode to do hybrid mode… You can program the Fcb1010 4 stomp 4 scenes…also I haven’t felt the need for the Fcb to have flashing lights I just know what way every preset I’ve set up… So when I switch from preset to preset I already know what it is.

I’m just being transparent with the poster. I myself would also love if the lights, etc could sync to a floorboard for the QC. But unfortunately it isn’t possible.

It’s good your floor unit can work for you. Just unfortunate Neural doesn’t make the programming and midi any easier for people

The MIDI to the footswitches is basically just pressing them digitally; as of now, you can’t send a CC that deliberately turns it on or off; just one that taps it, so if it’s off, it’ll turn on and vice versa. This makes it difficult to set up “scenes” with the FCB. Your best bet is to just use scenes internally on the QC.

I have the FCB1010 as well (bought but never installed the UNO chip). The way I had it set up on my Axe FX III was scene toggles on switches 6-9, stomp toggles on switches 1-4, tap tempo on #5, and tuner on #10.

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I never said they mirror the QC but they do turn on and off like they would on an fx unit/uno chip… And just like any fx unit you would still need to remember what way you setup your scenes or stomp mode up, whatever way you use it… So for that I don’t need lights on and off…

I also don’t have a problem using scene mode on the fcb1010 seems to work exactly like the QC :person_shrugging:

Just trying to clarify for the poster because they had a specific question that was being ignored. “It works for me” or “you’re doing it properly” isn’t helpful to them.

I started by answering his initial post and then he said he can’t do scene mode… Hybrid mode… And I just said I got it working… So my apologies for saying that… And personally your help wasn’t really help it was another way to moan about midi. Or somtin else the quad doesn’t do that you want it to do

And that is a fair answer he should of read that and said to himself maybe I need to look into it again and maybe I will see or notice what I’m doing wrong… I’m letting him know it’s working for me… So maybe it’s possible your not doing it properly…

I’ve only tried to help him I’ve had to sit down and do my own and spend alot head scratching…

I too would love to being able to send seperaten on and off commands for the comp mode switches. That would make midi automation way easier.

I find the midi implementation really frustrating, I raised this over a year ago, so don’t hold your breath. I agree that using a cc and value to enable or bypass would be much better. It’s how it is on the Kemper and most other midi gear I have, eg Morningstar switcher. My requirement is for following automation. In stomp mode if I stopped a song part way through all the states would then be inverted. So annoying. I had to use scene mode to get round it, but that has a lot less viable permutations than having a reliable on off for each stomp. Ive ended up using real pedals and a Morningstar switcher and bluetooth airsteps, the quad just doing amps, cabs and reverb.

That is exactly my problem.
Even line 6 Pod og works that way.

This has been an issue for me since I purchased almost 3 years ago and I’ve been posting here in the forums since that time trying to get enough votes for Neural to address the issue. It’s absolutely ridiculous that they seem to keep ignoring it. Having the effects blocks tied to the switches is short-sighted and the fact that Neural doesn’t seem to care is infuriating.