How do I setup setlist

I’m a new user of the QC and I’m trying to figure out how to set up a setlist, if that’s even possible. Right now, my setlist is ghosted and I can’t access it. Does anyone know how to resolve this issue? Are there any video tutorials or guides available? I’ve been looking but haven’t had much luck finding anything.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Can you click on it and give a setlist a name or title? I create presets for each song and copy them into a setlist that I have given a name to for my band. I believe I do it all from the directory if I’m not mistaken. I use the computer editor to do it all.

This is going to be hard to explain I would read the manual as much as we don’t like to but try this. Tap the name of the amp at the top and it takes you to the left hand side. I can’t remember exactly I don’t have it in front of me. Then look for your presets tap preset 1 a list of blanks show up - tap it It should show up in the list. Then from there I think you’ll get it. Probably have to hit save in the right hand corner. Try it.