I am a complete newbie to QC, I’ve tried all of the other suspects but, none were good enough to convince me to sell my three Two Rock amps. I shipped the last of them yesterday, so obviously, QC has impressed me in many ways.
Now for my question. I have two pieces of gear I want to incorporate into my signal path. One is my Singular Sound Aeros Gold addition looper and the other is my Grace Design Felix acoustic pre amp.
I’ve been reading other post and have experimented with the Aeros. I’ve put in an FX loop block in the QC signal chain for the Aeros. Can I put a preamp in the signal chain without damaging the QC. If so, can I then use the second FX Loop for the Felix using it in an acoustic preset like the AcGtr (factory preset 31E).
Is there another way of doing this that would make more sense. Thank you for your help.