Will the Quad Cortex have a “global” option to:
bypass ALL amp models within the existing presets (allowing them to be re-enabled manually as needed)
bypass all cab/speaker models within existing presets (allowing them to be re-enabled manually as needed)
change the default output from the XLR (output 1,2) to 1/4 inch (output 3, 4) - or to any combination of outputs (XLR-L and 1/4-L, for example)
My current rig will use the QC in 4CM, or as a preamp/amp model going into the return of my guitar amp.
For ease of use, all the presets in the QC need to have a default 1/4" output (currently defaults to XLR) and speaker sims ALL bypassed.
I may or may not wish to use my guitar amp’s preamp, in which case I would either go 4CM or into the Return, requiring amp sims to be ALL on or ALL off.
I do not want to have to do that manually. Can we have a global bypass option for each category of effect, starting with speakers and amp sims?
We might also want to disable all gates, all reverbs, all… you get the idea. Once globally disabled they could be individually re-enabled as needed manually.