Cortex Control connection on MacOS

Since I also made the experience, that QC Control is running pretty unstable (at least reoccurring connection issues) on MacOS (Sequoia)…

Think, I found a potential problem maker - USB hub as intermediate hardware.

Now, I connected my QC device directly to the MacBook (using a UGREEN USB B to USB C cable). Looks like everything runs very stable.

What about your experience? Maybe something to investigate?


it’s been pretty well-documented that hubs are NOT recommended for using w/ the QC. Some of us have had success with self-powered hubs, but they’ve been very clear in the Manuals and instructions to avoid using hubs where possible.


I have exactly the same issue. Removed the HUB from chain, it became a bit more stable. But still with occurrences of the issue.
Maybe the USB B to USB C adapter.

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In general, USB in the QC is pretty badly handled. I have had numerous problems with it using a Mac Mini M2, a MacBook Air M2 and a MacBook Pro i7. All gave the same problems. The thing I found is that the QC’s USB is very sensitive to “noisy/dirty” power supply, even in other USB devices that are connected to the same computer. If you have other USB devices connected, they have to be very well designed and not introduce any noise in the USB power supply. I even suspect that the QC itself introduces noise in the USB chain, and that some other USB devices or even the very computer in some cases feeds back this noise into the QC’s audio.
I have literally dedicated months to do all the possible testing to try to isolate the source of the poor USB communication.

I would doubt what you say about this…not saying it is not real what is happening to you, but not sure the QC is the issue…
I have numerous USB devices connected to my pc and connected to the same row of USB inputs/header… Also the QC is running into a USB 3 (cause I don’t have any USB 2) input and have used as an interface several times and it has being faultless, same with cortex control… I can not fault anything…

You can doubt anything you want. I have sent videos that I recorded to NDSP support team, showing how USB communication screwed up when just connecting or disconnecting the power supply of other USB devices connected to my MACs. I am not speculating, these are observations I made after spending literally days testing every connection setup I could come up with.

But the QC may not be the issue here… What your plugging in mite be the culprit and you can’t blame the QC for this my opinion… You have gone from months to days on the testing part :grin: maybe the stuff your plugging in, is just bad

No, I have spent months trying to isolate the problem, and days actually recording the videos of all the testing cases I could come up with.
I think USB is handled badly in the QC because I observed in some of the tests that USB communication was going extremely wrong when I had an external monitor plugged into the computer using USB3 at the same time as the QC. This external monitor has the particularity to have a real 3 pins power plug, so it is grounded. It worked fine when this monitor wasn’t plugged in using USB, but it was a disaster when it was plugged in.
Why I think it is an issue with how the QC handles grounding over USB? Because the monitor did not even have to be turned on for USB to start going wrong, I only needed to plug the power cord in for USB to start having problems. This problem could be seen on all my 3 computers.
Another test shows that, having my Scarlett 2i2, the QC and an external SSD drive plugged into the same computer, I can hear electronic noise in the speakers connected to my Scarlett when the SSD drive starts to work, and this happens only when the QC is connected (and the QC doesn’t even have to be turned on). If I physically unplug the QC’s USB cable, the noise disappears.
Of course I tried a lot of different cables.

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As said I’m not saying your not having real issues… But I don’t have any noise issues and I go out 3/4 into my audio interface… So my grounding is the same as yours we both using a QC I’ve 2 monitors running I’ve an interface going while QC is plugged in by USB aswell, I’ve dongles external hdds running USB lights USB light guitar ornament studio monitors not USB but running and this is all sitting on the same desk eccept pc is under the desk…
Cables running everywhere lots of them although nice and neat and the QC does not flinch… Maybe you need to dig further into why your having this problem

And just cause you unplug the USB cable from the QC it doesn’t mean the QC is the issue

Whatever, I am anyways very happy with my QC. Have a good day.

Whatever? is a childish reply… I was only helping you in saying I don’t have a noise issue and that QC may not be your problem… I was waiting for you to possibly have a light bulb moment but I guess not… There’s lots of reasons for these kind of problems…have a nice day too

I always (yes, always) have to start CortexControl 1.1.1 on Macbook pro - OS 15.0.1 two to three times, have tried the connection with hub, but also directly with USB C cable. Either a direct crash or the charging process is not completed. Reinstallation did not help. However, the direct connection with a USB C cable is definitely the more stable option when the program is running.

I made observations, making me think, that the memory management of CortexControl is leaky and crappy.
Because closing programs on Mac seems to improve stability.

Guess NeuralDSP should hire some really professional software developers for Mac and Windows… :smile:

After installing CortexControl 1.2.0 on the Macbook pro (OS 15.2), all stability issues have been resolved.
I have not noticed any loss of performance, lagging or anything similar.
Is your system up to date? Cable between QC and computer okay? No USB hub connected in between?
best Jo

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