Hi there! New to forum, great to be here.
I recently bought the Granophyre plugin, and I love the tones. Thing is, when I have the Plumes pedal’s gain knob past 2, I get feedback everytime I palm mute. I guess I palm-mute on the harder side, but I haven’t gotten this problem with any other drive pedal, nor any other Neural DSP plugins.
I have tested this with my 3 guitars; Schecter Omen 8 with Schecter pickups, Hagstrom Fantomen with Lundgren pickups, and my Yamaha Pacifica with Iron Forge pickups. It happens on all three.
If I palm-mute one note and let it sit and ring out, I do not get feedback. I only get feedback when I am doing the palm-mute, as the feedback then builds up to a peak, and then fades out again.
I do not know if it’s a bug or if the Plumes pedal is sensitive like that, but I honestly cannot seem to use it much. I’d then need to turn the gate way up.
Anyone know anything about this?
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I have never tried the Granophyre plugin, but I’ve tried the Plumes irl before and it’s pretty similar to a ts808, but I feel like it’s a bit less noisy. When I began reading your post, my first thought was “too much gain”, which could be either on the pedal or on the amp (or both). Since your goal is to increase the gain on the plumes, then my attentions tips towards the amp side.
Have you tried bringing back the amp’s gain knob back a bit when having the overdrive pedal engaged? This might make things more controllable.
I don’t know about the Yamaha, but your other 2 guitars seem to be sending high output signal through those p’ups, so maybe experimenting with lowering the ‘input gain’ (either on your interface or on the plugin input knob) might prove beneficial.
So my suggestion:
- decrease the gain of the amp
- decrease the gain on your interface (slightly) or on the plugin’s input knob
- decrease plume’s level knob
- decrease the amp’s “master” knob (slightly)
Let me know if any of those helped.
(edit: typos)
Hi! Sorry for the late reply, exams have made me quite busy.
- Decreasing the gain on the amp worked to some extent, but I had to dial it way down for it have an effect. This of course meant less distortion in the tone.
- I cannot decrease the gain on either my Focusrite Scarlett 4i4, as it is all the way down, nor Reaper FX (my DAW). I can’t find any ways to turn that down without using a plugin. The Granophyre’s input knob worked as well, but that had be turned down a lot as well.
- This works too, but I have to turn it down to 12 o’clock to 9.
- Again, this works, but on a small level. Had to turn this down quite a lot as well.
I don’t know if it to decrease all the variables at the same time? I try it out and the tone is very different with those small adjustments.
There are other tones I can use of course, both from Neural DSP, Omega, and other users, but there are some tones like Gravity that sound great except for the feedback.
Thanks again for the suggestions! I’ll try to adjust some more.
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