Sorry for the simple question. I’m very new to this space. I’ve never owned any type of effects modeler before. How do I connect it to an Audient ID4? I’m looking at page 62 of the user manual. It says Out 1 and Out 2 should go into IN R/L of the interface. However, my speakers are currently plugged into the IN ports.
Again, sorry for the simple question.
Thanks in advance!
You can connect outs 1&2 or 3&4 to mic inputs of the ID4. Don’t connect to the guitar “high z” input on the front of ID4. Also use XLR or TRS cables. Your speakers are plugged into the outputs of the ID4.
This still isn’t the most optimal though because you’re doing two rounds of A/D conversion. The QC is an audio interface in itself. Plug it in via USB and you can record both the DI of the input and whatever else you select on the grid at the output (Select USB). Speakers you can plug into outs 1&2 of the QC.
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