Hi everyone, sorry if this is not correct in any capacity or I’m supposed to post elsewhere.
I am very new to the Quad Cortex and I have very little knowledge of the connections to be used; me and my band are now scehduled for a gig, and I’m wondering how to connect my Quad Cortex to the mixer (I think I’m supposed to write “FOH”, instead). Should I use TSR or XLR outputs to connect? Please bear in mind that I’m no expert and I don’t really know the difference; despite my old age, I was never a gear guy, and I’m try to learn it all by now.
Thanks to everyone
Use the XLR outs and go straight to the mixer.
If you are also using an onstage amp or cab, things get more complex as there are different options depending on whether it is a normal amp/cab, or some kind of monitor/FRFR speaker.
Like @tomfs said, XLR straight to the mixer. Assuming that you have a cab model activated in whatever preset(s) you plan on using.
If you have the chance to fully sound check before your gig, I highly recommend talking to the person running FOH (front-of-house) sound and working with them to further dial in tones. Or let them EQ it if you’re not sure. Either way, just have that conversation. Cheers.
Thanks. I do not have a stereo rig, could I only use the left XLR to connect, in your opinion?
Absolutely, you can use just one XLR output for mono. If you’re using delays / reverbs / other effects blocks in the QC I would double check to make sure they’re the mono version.
Take it from a 52 year old that not dragging speakers to gigs anymore is life changing.
I feel you. I am 48 and I do not want to do that anymore.
Just my personal preference but I use sends 1 & 2 to feed my FRFRs and I made a couple of short TRS to XLR cables for sends 3 & 4 so that I have connector options for the feed to the snake, board, recording interface or whatever. I also assigned the volume knob to only control 1 & 2 so I can adjust my FRFR levels without changing the level feeding the PA. It works for me, anyway.
Hi, simply question… in our rehersal room we have an old mixer where at the moment i connect from Out 3-Left from QC through a TS/TS cable (i know that using balanced TRS cable on 3/4out will increase volume of +6dB)
I would like to buy an XLR cable to connect from Out1 Left of QC, my question is if i have to buy a cable XLR female/TRS male or simply XLR female/XLR male and connect to MIC input on the Mixer?
That depends on the input range of your mixer’s XLR inputs. Most modern mixers can handle anything from mic level signals to line level signals. Remember that the level of your QCs outputs can be controlled from the output page (swipe down from the top of the screen and select the outputs you want to control). I use outputs 1 & 2 to feed my FRFR cabs and I made a pair of TRS to XLR cables to feed the snake and into a pair of XLR inputs on the our mixer (Presonus Series III). I assign the QC’s volume knob to only control outputs 1 & 2 so I can control the level to my cabs without changing the level feeding FOH. I believe I set outputs 3 & 4 to about -6 and it gives plenty of signal to the board while still allowing some adjustment range at the mixer input. Where you need to set the QC’s level control will depend on how hot the levels are for your presets and the input range of your mixer. Can you borrow a mic cable to try it with your gear?
Oops, just saw that I already responded to your question.
Sorry to necropost…
We’ll be engaged in the next future to play on a a large club stage where (despite my precedent experiences) the FoH and the mixer itself are far away from the stage.
When I played in little pubs I usuallly connect the QC direct to the mixer with Amp & Cab simulation turned on in my presets (mixer at no more than 3 meters from me)
In this case how can I connect to mixer that is on 10 or more meters of distance?
There will be DI box on stage for this purpose? (the Club is very well setted and runs musical live events every week or so)
They will have DI boxes, and a snake that goes to the stage. But you can just use the XLR outputs on the QC to their snake and you won’t need a DI box at all
Thx man!
Only a question… It’s a snake simply an XLR cable present on stage that goes directly to the FoH where I can connect my QC to?
They should have an XLR cable for you that goes to a XLR snake. That snake will connect to FOH