CorOS Version: 1.1.0
Describe your issue:
When I sent quick MIDI changes over USB to my Quad Cortex from Abelton (specifically CC#1 to control a Wah effect assigned to Expression Pedal 1) the unit completely froze. There was still sound coming through, but it was stuck on whatever settings it froze in. The touchscreen was completely unresponsive as was the power button. My assumption is that the quick midi changes overwhelmed the QC?
Steps to reproduce your issue:
- I pulled the power plug to shut down the QC.
- I plugged it back in to restart.
- Once booted, I fiddled with the midi messages from Ableton aggressively making large/fast midi changes.
I expected this to happen:
When I changed the midi messages aggressively, I expected it to freeze again, but it didn’t no matter how fast or large the midi CC. I suppose it’s a good thing, but it’s a little worrying that it could happen during a live show and be stuck on the last setting before freezing, and require to pull the power plug.